Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Keep on truckin...almost caught up!

We're getting there folks. Thanks for hanging in there. Very soon the blog version of me is going to catch up to the real me. But first, Baby Quilts! I have made two wee quilts over the last few months.

This Square in Square Baby is a Beginners Quilting Class Sample for Patch Halifax. I can't wait to start teaching this pattern.

This year is turning out to be the year of the square in square blocks. Like 2015 was the year of the HST. Funny how these things happen. The pic below is a square in square top ready for chain piecing that I just put on the design board tonight. This quilt will be donated with other MMQG Quilts to our local childrens Hospital the IWK.

The other Baby was this Citrus and Mint custom order. You can get this sweet and quick pattern for free over at Craft Buds and My Top 100 Sewing Patterns

I had fun doing a little shopping for this project. My customer really liked the palette in the pattern so I needed to add some mint and citrus to the stash. I kept it small, really working hard at keeping to my Year of the Stash Goals.

I did straight line quilting on this, but had fun going diagonally and with a few lines together. Oh sweet Janome and Aurifil, you truly do have a great relationship.

For the back I found this dreamy brushed cotton orange / citrus brushed cotton with origami animals. Ridiculously sweet and soft like flannel. I love when you find the perfect back. 

I would definitely make this pattern again. Cool effect with the circles. Not too small. And really fast to piece. Win Win!

The third Baby i did was a gift for new we lad in our family. I made a Star Bright Quilt. Loved the blues pulled out of the Charley Harper chickadee fabric.

So, I think that's it for the baby quilt update! Next time...Minis and odds and sods. I leave you with this image.

I finally picked up everything that was on the floor in my sewing room. Sorted by project and ended up with many piles, but at least visible in order of priority. I felt immediately better. Are you an organized freak like me, or do you thrive in chaos? Let your freak flag fly!
