Wednesday 11 April 2012

Chevron April Bee Block

I was pretty happy to see the April Stash Bee Block was a chevron! They are so easy to make, I can see lots in my future.

I started this block with some bright scraps from my stash.

To make the half square triangles (HSTs) cut two 5 inch squares, one medium and one light. Place the two together, right sides together and draw a diagonal line across.

Sew a 1/4" seam along the line on both sides. I use the edge of my walking foot as a guide, it is the perfect 1/4".

Cut along the drawn line and you have two half square triangles! Press open, towards the dark fabric.

The finished square should measure 4.5", so you may need to trim them up. Then you can lay them out to create your pattern. Voila! Chevron!

This was some simple fun sewing for a Tuesday night. Especially on my newly serviced machine. I love a mainteance man, who signs his work...

Now on to the next project...
