I cannot believe it is my turn on the
Plum & June Hop! I have seen some amazing work over the last several weeks, and have thoroughly enjoyed visiting and meeting some fantastic artists.
Without further ado, Hi! My name is Adrienne and I would like to welcome you to Chezzetcook Modern Quilts. Chezzetcook what you say? I know, it is a funny name, and likely you are not sure how to pronounce it. Chezzetcook is a small community on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia, where I grew up. If you are a local, you drop the "t", add an "n" and say it fast - Chezzencook. Go on, give it a try...
I figure a good way to get to know me is by taking a tour of my spanking new sewing room! This is how it started just three weeks ago
So here is the first interesting fact about me, I have been married for almost five years, but my husband and I have never lived together! What? Some of you are like "lucky buggers" and others are like "weird people". Yes to both! But I am happy to report that on July 1st, we moved into our new space, in the same country! Pretty cool. And while that is all exciting stuff (seriously people) I also had another first with this move - my very own sewing room!
First thing I wanted to do was brighten the room up. So with a little help from a mischievous nephew, brown begone and white appears!
Second fact about me, I love to organize! I love me a tidy bin with folded fabric, all in the same color. So Before I moved home to Nova Scotia from Ottawa I made a trip to Ikea and bought a nifty shelving unit. Here is the room mid-unpack as my Dad helps me assemble...I'm afraid the room had to get worse before it got better
Enough mess, it's time for the reveal!
nice and bright now! |
Check out those shelves! Every bin has it's own color, and some have current WIPs |
Closet of goodness, batting, finished quilts and such |
Further inside the closet you will find more sewing supplies and my collection of over 300 movies. I LOVE movies and never sew without something on the DVD |
I have a new table coming which will be MUCH bigger, but as long as I have my tool cart I am good |
I finally have a design wall! I even made it myself - I talked about this earlier this week here
How about some detail shots
This is my mantra. I had this long before it trended on Pinterest etc. I am glad it has caught on! Another good Mantra I have been repeating to myself lately "Comparison is the Thief of Joy" How true is that!
These little darlings were a gift from a good friend, not sure why, but they are me. The color, the simple design, I want to eat them up (but I think that would result in costly dental bills) |
Who doesn't need a basket 'o rulers? |
My "Modern" Library - another fact, I am obsessed with books, in fact all things paper. Very hard not to buy. My latest gift in the mail was Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks. Jumping on that bandwagon soon! |
So, why do I blog? I love to quilt, I love to take pictures, I really like to write. Seemed like a good combo. But I must tell you that other modern quilt bloggers are who really inspired me to start this little ditty. I have been quilting for about 17 years. But let me tell you I am still learning every single day.I by no means think that I have any special talent, but I have been having so much fun learning from this amazing on-line community. If one of my experiences, help one other person out there learn, or even to inspire them to talk about their similar experiences, I am tickled!
I guess since this blog is all about the quilts I should share a couple of things I have worked on
Ok, I guess I should stop talking now. Another fact about me, I like to talk (ha!)
I am looking forward to more stitching and ripping in this new space. I still have some things I would like to add, but it is a great start! What is your space like? Do you have a favorite thing in it? I would love to see it, invite me over some time why dontcha?
It has been a pleasure having you drop by on the hop, but don't forget it is not over yet, check out the other featured blogs this week
and Amanda @ Everyday Fray
For those of you who like to read as much as I like to talk / write, five more facts about the crazy that is me:
- My favorite Popsicle flavor is root beer, which is nearly impossible to find
- I like to finish one project before I start a new one. I am usually planning the next three or four, but I won't cut unless I am done!
- I met my husband in grade eight home room the first time, and on facebook the second time
- I buy purses and shoes because they always fit
- Wherever I travel I look for waterfalls, I have a thing for waterfalls
See you soon!