Anyone else hear Sugar Ray in their head? Anyone? Anyone? No? Ok. I'm fine with being the only one currently obsessed with music from 1997.
Right. So likely you have been doing a lot of travel with all of the Around The World Blog Hop posts going on. It has really been fun to read all of the different perspectives to similar questions. And now it is my turn! I have been tagged by three bloggy friends to play along Julia from
Jada's Quilting Adventures, Laura from
Waffle Kisses, and Kim from
Robot Mom Sews. I have to shout out to Julia and Laura because they both tagged me quite some time ago, and I just got too busy to get a post together. But anyway, let's get to the good stuff... give the kids what they want (as they say).
What am I working on?
Oh about a million things. Here is the current list. And it would appear that it is growing!
There are far too many "must dos" on this list, but I am looking forward to finishing this QAYG pillow
And making this lovely pile into a QAYG pillow sample for a
Patch Halifax Workshop.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Um...I... um... nope. I got nothing. really I don't think my work is any different from anyone else. In fact most of my work is reproductions of others work. I mean, I see things I like, I buy the pattern and I make it. I am not a designer, pattern maker, improve doer. I am just a quilter who makes things she sees that are pretty (to her).
My most recent finish. Totally a pattern from Scrap Republic. And that's ok! |
Why do I write/create what I do?
You know those great t-shirts from
Patchwork Threads...well in their words: "I Quilt So I Don't Kill People". True story. I have a crazy day job and stitching is what I do to relax. It makes me feel good.
When it comes to writing...I am in my second year of blogging and I am still digging it. I am not sure that I am reaching the masses, but I do love to write about and take pictures of my sewing and quilting projects. This is really my creative journal and I invited a bunch of strangers to come read it. But the cool thing is that some of those folks aren't strangers anymore!
My favorite quilt from last year - Foreign Currency |
How does my writing/creative process work?
I really don't think I have a "process" (currently giggling to myself). Like I said, I see something I wanna make and I go ahead and do that. Picking out fabric is probably my biggest process. I like to open every stash bin I have, pull, pull, pull until I get what I am looking for. I usually make piles of different fabric options and they sit on the table for days. I walk in and out, off and on and look at them. Thinking. By day five or so I make my choice... other than that, I make a list of what I want to make, try to find a way to squirrel away money to buy the fabric, and I hit to rotary cutter!
My first little Improv Number |
Well that's me, from my little bloggy corner in Porters Lake Nova Scotia. Now I think I will set off on more journey's... I would tag more people, but frankly everyone I know has already done this. I am clearly a slacker.
Happy Quilting!
PS - I hereby name this post my declaration of my
A Lovely Year of Finishes Goal for October - namely that I will finish the QYAG Pillow Sample for Patch Halifax!