Pawing through Maritime Modern Quilt Guild member quilts to get ready for a talk on Modern Quilts at the second annual Quilt Atlantic retreat. I am not going to lie. Preparing for this event made me a bit nervous. Ok, A LOT nervous. But getting to play with all of these quilts made it worth it. Here the pile is ready to go!
My trusty MMQG VP Jennifer (from A Quarter Inch from the Edge) and I jumped into the car and raced for the South Shore of Nova Scotia where the retreat was being held at the beautiful White Point Beach Resort. I will not bore you with the details, but I got lost on the way, had to drive like a crazy woman and ended up running into the room for my 10 am talk at 10 am! Sweet Jesus people I was losing my cool trying to get there on time...I am NEVER late. Poor Jennifer tried to calm me down by talking out a plan for a MMQG retreat. Bad news, I was barely on time for my talk, good news we have the bones of a retreat formed in our heads!
The talk itself was so much fun! I really don't know why I get nervous of these things. I love to talk and people seemed to want to listen so off I went. There is something to be said for talking about what you love. That passion comes through!
After two hours of fun talking quilts, we took a jaunt around the resort and visited the beach. This was the first day that it felt like Spring may actually come. It was 14 degrees above zero, it was not snowing, and I didn't have to wear a coat! And the view....

Of course, we were out and about and Jenn had a finished quilt to photo-shoot so we did a bit of that as well... never leave home without a quilt!
We also met some of the local residents, who inspire all things rabbity around the place