January is upon us; or rather it is traipsing
merrily across us! Like everyone else I am thinking about New Year’s
resolutions like losing weight, eating better, exercise, all of that crap. I am
not a big resolution maker, because I often feel I am just setting myself up
for failure, but I do make quiet promises to myself and just see how it goes.
Now, when it comes to quilting, this year I feel I would like to make myself a
little list. Not goals per say, but stuff. This year my
only resolution when it comes to sewing is to be creative and have fun.

Now having fun can sometimes get away from me.
What you say? Is there such a thing as too much fun? Not normally, trust me I
like a good bit of fun. But what I do do is get so keen to do a million
projects that I try to do too much, get overwhelmed and do nothing! Not good.
Not sure about you, but I love my Google Reader where I get to peruse all of
these great blogs for inspiration. The problem is is that there are things like
“Alongs”, Swaps, Bees, BOMs (Block of the Months in case like me you were like
what in the heck is a BOM??), WIPs, Link Parties and so on. They all look so
delicious that I want to do it all!
So I need to compromise with myself. I am going
to do a couple of external projects so that I can connect with other quilters, learn and have fun. But I am also going to focus on projects that I have either
been wanting to finish up or wanting to start.
So without further ado, here are my “lists” for
Stuff outside my house
- I am super excited to report that a Chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild
is getting started here in Ottawa.
I have joined their Flickr group, and I am stoked for next steps!
- I will continue with the Stash Bee this year. I am in two Hives and am
still enjoying it
- I have joined the Sugar Block Club, a BOM, January is month one so I
better get cracking
- I have two quilts on the go
right now, Postage Stamps and Foreign Currency. The tops are both done, so I am
committing right now to finish these babies before I start another project!
- I have fabric purchased for a
couple of projects that will be next in line. These include a lap sized Ascend, a baby Sized Flower Chain, and a Pantone Pop (your guess is good as mine when it comes to the size of this one :))
- I have a couple of UFOs that
have been floating around for years (seriously people, years). They are both
baby related, one is a black Bento Box pattern and one I like to refer as "retro
happy". Need to get these done. Seriously.
- A couple of patterns that I
would LIKE to do this year are a Union Jack something and I want to make Tula
Pinks Coastal Cruiser Pillow.
Stuff about fabric and books / patterns
- For about four years I did
not buy fabric, only the odd piece for backing or binding. I worked solely out
of my stash and did with what I had. Now mind you I did not do a lot of
projects, but it felt good to use what I had. This last year, as I have gotten
back into quilting more, I have been buying fabric and building up my stash. A
year of purchases has made my stash happy again, so time to put a stop to
- So, no more fabric purchase
with two exceptions:
Backing and binding is ok –
but it must be on sale!
I have joined the Stash Stack
Club at Pink Castle Fabric which will give me a ½ yard bundle each month of a
particular color. This will be great to round out missing colors e.g. I had to
make a bee block this week and I did not have one piece of red fabric. Not one
- Absolutely no purchases that
involve quilting books or patterns! Again, 2012 I built up my library with some
amazing modern titles. I have enough patterns for a million years! I will work
from what I have or share with others. Or maybe even make my own!
my last 2012 book purchase. Can't wait to dig in!
Stuff about Blogging
- Not much to say here except
that I need to keep blogging here – I like it!
- I will continue to link up
with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. I like this link party and feel it keeps
me on track each week. Plus it is great to see what others are working on.
Stuff about Creative Pay-It Forward
- On Face book at the New Year one of my “friends”
had this message posted: “2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward: The first five
people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in the next
calendar year, a gift - perhaps a book, or baked goods, or a candle, music - a
surprise! There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood
strikes me. The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their FB
- So not only did I put my name down right-some-quick, I posted to my FB page as well. Now I have five creative gifts to send over the year. I think I will do something handmade!
Oky dok, that is a lot! But, I feel much better now that I have put it down on "paper". I can hear my husband saying right now... "honey, you start organising when you enter a room". He's right, I do.What can I say, organising makes me happy!
Hoping you find what makes you happy this year.