So do you get caught up in Holiday making? Maybe "caught up" is a harsh way to put it. Does a holiday come around and you want the special theme fabric and patterns and maybe a new ruler? I do. I am particularity enamored with Halloween and Christmas (yeah I know I am not alone) and this year I went through my same mania.
I ordered a BIG skull quilt pattern. Started pulling fabric. Had the rotary cutter in my hand and then I stopped myself. Woman are you crazy? You have a WiP/ to do list the length of four arms and you are going to start a whole new something because it is October!? Like every other year I talk myself off the ledge. I feel ok. But then, sad that I still didn't make anything "seasony". Mania. Repeat.
This year I got smart! I had this Zombie Apocalypse Fabric pulled for the giant skull which has been sitting in my stash for exactly one year, and I need a new pouch to hold all of my Quilting Class Supplies.
I made the large size of the
Noodelhead Open Wide Zipper Pouch. I have made about thirty of these babies in the medium size and I love them because of the wide mouth, so you can see everything inside. For the outside, Zombies on top of linen. I stabilized the linen and quilted the hoard in a grid pattern. p.s. I am officially addicted to Aurifil.
I love these guys
For the inside I went with a brighter bit of dot so that I could be sure to see everything in a glance. This is a BIG pouch, but that is exactly what I wanted. One stop shop. But for gifts I think I will stick with the medium size. It is just perfect.
Zipper Tab Ghoul |
And then I remembered. Last year when I bought this fabric at
Mrs. Pugsleys Emporium
during the NS Fibre Arts Festival in Amherst - I had bought it to make
something for my nephew. He and I share the love of the ghosties. So, I
made him a pouch too! Same treatment, but the medium size, no quilting,
more stabilizing, a neon zipper, and skulls inside! Rad.
All in all I feel for the first time that I have broken my holiday cycle! I made something with a theme! Go Me!
And you... you should come see me!
Come see me and the MMQG at the
The 8th Annual
Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival takes place from October 13 - 17th in Amherst.
Maritime Modern Quilt Guild is very proud and happy to participate in
this fabulous 5 day festival dedicated to everything fibre.Our lovely little guild will be displaying modern quilts and quilty items created by our members .
Our display, called "Quilting Modern", will be held on Friday, the 16th and Saturday, the 17th, from 10 am til 4 pm at Amherst Town Hall, 98 East Victoria St. (Festival Headquarters)
Guild members will be present to answer all questions. Free admission.
New at our show this year, a free demonstration on how to "quilt as you
go". Guild President, Adrienne Klenck invites you to stop by and check
out this amazing quilting technique. She and her trusty sewing machine
will be set up and ready for action on Saturday morning from 10:30 -
Hope to see you in Amherst!
pps. Did you catch the season premier of The Walking Dead? Best show ever!!!!