Thursday 11 February 2016

Star Bright: a finish

Dropping in for a quick finish this week! Star Bright...

This baby quilt will be the next beginners class offered at my LQS Patch Halifax. I like it so much I have made another one to gift! The free pattern is from Swim Bike Quilt. You should totally go check out the Patterns Page on this blog, lots of good stuff! 

Simple design, but the fabrics make it all pop.

We were out for a trip to a great Vintage Store, the Reclaimed Cottage, this past weekend, the "stuff" outside waiting for some love begged to be photographed with this great little flimsy. Check out that bed!

So that's my big show for this week. I'm off! People to see, things to do, fabric to cut and sew back together. Linking up with TGIFF! because mama needs to celebrate some Friday action!


  1. Gorgeous quilt! I have also made this pattern and after seeing this, I want to make another! Enjoy your evening!

  2. These pictures are so much fun....just like that making that wee quilt!

  3. Beautiful!! You're so right the colours really make this simple pattern pop. Thanks for the link.

  4. What a sweet quilt and a great project for learning to quilt.

  5. Its a stunner! great idea to make it pop

  6. A great finish! I love the pictures with the vintage stuff too, they're so fun! Thanks for linking with TGIFF :)

  7. Love it! About to gather some fabrics to begin one.
