It's Saturday! This week has been a marathon, with little sewing, but today made it all worth it as my friend Barb and I went on a Quilty Adventure! Barb is a quilter from way back, she had a break but now she is back into it hot and heavy, so to speak. Since I arrived back in Nova Scotia we have both been doing a lot of "we should get together and quilt" or "we should go on an excursion to fabric stores". It has taken us a few months to get our butts into gear, but there was a quilt show in the Annapolis Valley this weekend so we finally got in the car and off we went!
First! I am not sure how I originally learned about the Avonport Discount Centre, but it was many moons ago, and when I first went there and saw this sign I knew I was in!
Seriously people, one side is auto parts, the other quilting goodness. And after being away for five years I was so happy to see that the quilting side has gotten even bigger. They have a WALL of Kona, and the notions and fabric selections have grown. So great!
Needless to say, Barb and I each grabbed a cart and we were off...
I have been wanting to start a low volume stash for quite some time now. Today seemed as good a time as any to get started
Then I found bolts of Riley Blake

Then, well, there were some Fat Quarters that needed a home
And finally a charm pack of Glamping! Oh yeah, love me some Glamping
I would say that after that our fabric appetites were satisfied (for now...) so we headed to Halls Harbour for the local quilt show.
As you can see, there were not too many modern offerings, but there were some cool antique quilts (like this one above from the early 1900's) on show and the church ladies were in full force with great hospitality and tea biscuits! I did find this little gem in the free pile.
1970's Modern Patchwork. I was pleased as punch to leaf through this well used magazine to see some modern blocks from back in the day...
Quilt show over, we headed back to the water where we found some amazing views, lobster humour, and some lobsters that made it into our macaroni and cheese lunch.
The next part of our adventure was the best! Barb has never taken her quilts on a photo shoot. As you know, I love a good photo shoot after a quilt finish, I just can't resist taking those buggers on a road trip. So today it was Barb's quilts turn to have an outing. She brought two scrap improv quilts on the trip. I am here to tell you that the fronts and backs of these quilts are equally delish!
I had as much fun taking pictures of Barb's quilts as I did watching Barb setting up here shots. Yup, that boat is called "Nasty Girl", we could not resist. I know Barb is home tonight playing with her pictures. I hope she got shots that she loved.
On our way home we saw the sights of a gorgeous Nova Scotia Fall day
I wish I were sitting on that deck tonight with the lights blinking and the ocean rolling. But, I think I am just as lucky to be heading back to the machine to keep working on those postage stamps...the perfect ending to a large day!
Have you had any quilty adventures lately? I Would love to hear about them...