So yeah, I have not been blogging...and yadda, yadda, I am now! The good news, I have been happily and busily sewing all along. So how should I catch you up? I think I'll just start at the beginning and see how far I get. Hopefully this won't be all a crazy hodgepodge!
(and now i am craving hodgepodge)
Well I HAVE to start with my Travelling Quilt. Thirteen months, twelve amazing Canadian quilters, and the mail. It started back in December of 2015 and in February of this year we all received a finished quilt that had been contributed to by each quilter.
The experience was....challenging, intimidating, time consuming, AND exhilarating, exciting. I loved and learned every minute of it.
The quilts all started with the makers idea or concept and a starter block. Sometimes you got a story or color preferences, fabric scraps to also inspire you. My quilt was all about words.
A super fun part of the process were the journals. Your quilt traveled with a journal with you making the first entry. As the quilt passes quilter to quilter we would journal why we made what we did, maybe a story about why, messages to the next quilter in line, and usually some pop facts about the time and place the quilt was in. Our quilts traveled coast to coast.
Some of the blocks I made along the way |
Also, it was all a secret! We used Instagram #travellingquiltscanada to share, but only small snippets of what we were working on. No one saw their completed quilt until it arrived in the mail thirteen months after you sent your first block into the world. The anticipation....
When my mailbox was finally stuffed with that final was so much more than I could ever have expected. All the words were cool, the different methods whether it be pieced or applique were so varied, and it is so colorful and HAPPY! It is now a favorite couch cuddle quilt in the Klenck house.
Would I do it again? Hell yes! But not this year! This was the type of adventure that I don't think I could do back to back. It really is a huge commitment, and there is no dropping out like I have experienced in other bees (thank goodness, which makes is even more worth it). but next year...yeah I would seriously think about that :)
So I was thinking that in this post I would get you caught up on more than one thing, but I guess not. Man am I talky! So, until next time...